Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Studio Visit

My friends Christine, Grant, and Matt came over to see my new work and also revisit some of my old stuff. They collectively own and run the Moxie Dada gallery on Pittsburgh’s Northside. They’re great people who run a very cool gallery. The visit was supposed to be half studio visit and half recreational bullshitting. Christine was reluctant to get internet directions, so she asked me for directions over the phone. I gave her the best directions I could, which were really shitty and imprecise. I’m terrible at giving directions. I’m always clear about that up front, and only then if the requesting party insists will I give the directions. Despite this, they arrived right on time, and I had the studio (my garage) set up and ready. It was dusk. We spent a few minutes in the garage looking at my two newest pieces, “Honor Among Thieves 1” and “Honor Among Thieves 2,” as well as one in progress, which I haven’t named yet. They also returned the three larger pieces that they had just shown. Since they hadn’t been to our house before, I gave them a quick tour. There’s not much to look at, so it didn’t take long. Soon we were all downstairs, each with a beer, and many subsequent beers to follow those. We talked about art, the gallery, and various unrelated topics. It was great. We wandered back into the garage, and looked at and talked more about my work. Eventually it grew dark, and we planned a permanent installation that I would do on the side of their gallery.

All content copyright 2009 Michael Scuro - All Rights Reserved